Vault Tokens
The Valentine Yield Vault tokens are ERC1155, indicating the depositor's portion of vault ownership. The following identifiers distinguish Valentine vault tokens.:
Asset: Token under consideration Type: Caramel or Saltish Epoch: Time period of the vault Strike: How far from peg the asset price needs to deviate in order to trigger a payout to the Valentine vault depositors.
Currently Valentine Yield Offers the following vault tokens:
Caramel Vault Tokens
Asset types: USDC, USDT
Strike Prices:
USDC: $0.997
USDT: $0.99
Epoch Period: Week
Saltish Vault Tokens
Asset types: USDC, USDT
Strike Price:
USDC: $0.997
USDT: $0.99
Epoch Period: Week
Last updated